SOLECA COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED was incorporated on 4th day of October
2006 in Nairobi Kenya under companies act (Cap 486), laws of Kenya. It is a limited liability company vide certificate of incorporation number C. 129008.


To be one of the most focused company of all time in the country and beyond.


The quality of our work and the satisfaction of our customers is mostly our concerned.


SOLECA COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED deals in all type of general supplies, mainly dealing with;

A. Authorised Safaricom Dealers for Airtime, Lines & Phones
B. Sale of Laptops, printers, ups, computers and accessories
C. Dealers of wrc timing systems
D. Wrc safety equipments (sell new, or hire for motor sport events)
E. Wrc Odometers, Gps Systems
F. Safety nets and medical equipments for lease, hire and sale
G. Sale of General office stationery and computer consumables
H. All type of printing and publications
I. Repair and maintenance of computers and telecommunication equipments.


Johnson Kimathi Kaburia – Director
Catherine M Kimathi – Manager
Dennis Muthondu – ICT
Nelson Kithure Harrison – Supplies Officer
Antony Mungai – Accountant- CPA